JUST what you’ve always wanted from your marketing plan – restorative powers. Increasingly, medical advances show that music has a way of defending against the memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s, and can even assist with maintaining self identity through early onset dementia.
Turns out the medium is the messenger—and often music is the only messenger our minds can continue to understand with near perfect clarity, according to this article from the University of Westminster.
In another study, Dr. Carol Krumhansl and colleagues from Cornell University found that most people can recognize popular songs after hearing just half a second of the track.
Most people are fortunate enough to go about their day with a clear and present mind, only distracted by the sheer scale of today’s multi-media landscape. This makes it increasingly difficult for an advertiser to get a message across and have a few important nuggets stick in the memory of consumers.
Yet study after study is starting to reveal that our minds have the capability to draw a memory of a song just by hearing just one or two seconds of the recording.
So listen to as much music as possible to strengthen your memory! And to be a memorable advertiser, incorporate custom music and lyrics into your strategy for the long term. Music helps you communicate in a way the human mind can’t wait to unlock – and hold on to. —Andrew